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Patricia Morgan

Patricia Morgan MA CCC helps her readers, clients, and audiences lighten their load, brighten their outlook, and strengthen their resilience. To go from woe to WOW call 403.830.6919 or email a request. If you enjoyed or benefited from this blog, please leave a Comment below and subscribe to my eNewsletterYour Uplift


  1. Adette Lacerte
    September 14, 2024 @ 3:38 pm

    Patricia, I really like this article about persisting or letting go. The last few years have included a lot of persistence. In fact, most of my life is about persistence, but I am finding grace in letting go and just being. Getting into flow has been much more of a challenge than learning how to persist and keep working at it.


    • Patricia Morgan
      September 17, 2024 @ 10:44 pm

      Hi Adette,

      Thank you for not only reading this article but commenting on it. You are not alone in your struggle to let go. I’m reminded of Kenny Rogers The Gambler Song lyrics:
      You’ve got to know when to hold ’em
      Know when to fold ’em
      Know when to walk away
      And know when to run

      So glad you are making space for more grace, flow, and just being you! ❤️🐞


  2. Alan Allard
    October 14, 2012 @ 5:55 pm


    I just gave a training for about 100 employees on resilience last week and would have loved to recommend you site! Now that I have found it, I will.

    I’m a former psychotherapist and the subject of resilience is so important and needs more exposure.

    Your lists in this post are pragmatic and spot on.


    • Patricia Morgan
      October 15, 2012 @ 8:14 pm

      Thank you for your acknowledgement. Do you have a website? Please direct any of you colleagues or loved ones to the Score Your Resilience on the home page of Let me know how else I might be of assistance.


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